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Saturday, July 27, 2013

Horror movies not scary anymore by Hannah Valdez

Slight scare after slight scare, ghoulish scream, after ghoulish scream- do we really get the same effects after watching the same types of horror movies over and over again? This time of year, there seem to me so many repetitive movie ideas. The viewers are not very amused, which brings us to the question: Should modern movie directors take notes from the older, classic horror movies? The viewers are not getting as scared as before, so the directors are doing something wrong. 

Recent horror movies have been based on the same paranormal, demonic idea. Jenna Refuerzo, a Breakthrough student, shares the same view. "Modern movies are so predictable. They're scary, but can't beat classically suspenseful Hitchcock films." The whole idea of a horror movie is to scare the viewers, but what is the point of making the same movies over and over again? 

Old horror movies like "Psycho" or "Vertigo" definitely scare audiences, but have rather simple concepts. Today's horror movies have too much going on and too much for the viewer to keep track of to be truly scared. 

"It's not how much blood, guts, or jump scares it has that make a movie terrifying, but rather the idea, and the way the idea is perceived." says Esfuerzo. Today's horror movies are becoming too boring. We want a horror movie revolution, and we want it now. 

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